Flowers: August-October. Plant in moist, part shade. HxS 1.75mx1m
A beautiful variety with the darkest purple foliage and scented, pink-blushed, white flower spikes during late summer. These are held well clear of the ferny foliage. Superb late season woodlander. Easy, disease and pest resistant, although slow growing. No staking is required. Best in a moist soil which does not waterlog in winter. AGM and a good late season pollinator for bees, butterflies and moths. Pot size 1.5 litre.
Care & Maintenance.
Cut back the flower stems after flowering. The foliage collapses after the first hard frost and can be tidied in autumn or spring. Propagate by careful division in spring as the plants resent disturbance.
SKU: ACTBRUCategories: A - Z Perennial Plants, Shade and Woodland Plants Tags: AGM, architectural plant, disease resistant, perennial plant, pest resistant, pollinator plant, shade plant, woodland plant
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