
Flowers: May-August.  Plant in full sun.  HxS 60x45cm

Geranium ‘Splish Splash’ is very eye catching, with the white flowers being speckled, splashed or blotched randomly with blue. This is caused by a genetic condition and so each plant is different.  A member of the meadow cranesbill, it is easy to grow and very hardy.  This is usually sold as Geranium pratense var. striatum and the name ‘Splish Splash’ is a commercial one, but the plants are both the same!  It seeds about gently providing an infinite number of colour variations. Pot size 1.5 litre.

Care & Maintenance.

Cut back hard after flowering for a repeat show.  Collect and sow seed to propagate. Some seedlings will be all blue, others white and the rest randomly marked with blue.

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