Flowers: July-October. Plant in sun or light shade. HxS 2mx1m
Not sure why this monster plant has been renamed as an alpine! A giant clump forming perennial with fluffy spikes of white flowers almost all summer and autumn, followed by pinkish red seed heads. It does all this growing every season, dying back at the first hard frosts. Not at all invasive but it looks superb by water and needs a moist soil to do well. Do give it room and you will be rewarded with a stunning architectural sight!
Care & Maintenance.
Cut back in autumn to tidy the plant, after the frosts knock it down. It can be divided in early spring as new growth appears but you may have to use a saw. Then … sit back and watch it grow!
SKU: PERALPCategories: A - Z Perennial Plants, Pond and Bog Plants Tags: architectural plant, disease resistant, perennial plant, pest resistant, pollinator plant, shade plant
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