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Aconitum ‘Spark’s Variety’

Flowers: June-August.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 1.25mx50cm Monkshood or wolf's bane. This variety produces midnight-blue hooded flowers above dark-green, deeply cut leaves. Great for adding height at the back of a border. Pot size 9cm. *CAUTION toxic if eaten. Please order early in the season otherwise this will need to be cut back [...]

Aconitum ‘Spark’s Variety’2024-08-02T13:05:08+01:00

Convallaria majalis

Flowers: May-June.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 20x30cm A classic native, woodland plant.  The highly perfumed bell-shaped flowers are white and eventually form a good clump.  Tolerant of most conditions but particularly good on banks and under deciduous trees and shrubs.  Best on non-acidic soils.  Mix it with the pink-flowered form for added effect!  Hardiness [...]

Convallaria majalis2024-09-08T09:41:53+01:00

Convallaria majalis var. rosea

Flowers: June-July.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 20x30cm A highly scented Lily of the Valley with beautiful pale pink flowers. A traditional spring woodland plant which can take a season to establish but is well worth the wait. These look good when mixed with the white form. Best on an alkaline soil.  *CAUTION toxic if [...]

Convallaria majalis var. rosea2024-05-17T11:18:29+01:00

Aruncus dioicus

Flowers: June-August.  Plant in sun or part shade.  HxS 1mx1m 'Goat's Beard' is a lovely shrubby plant which is clump forming with large leaves and plumes of creamy-white flowers in summer.  These are held well clear of the foliage.  It prefers a moist soil and looks particularly effective near water.  It always draws comment in flower [...]

Aruncus dioicus2024-07-09T10:16:02+01:00

Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’

Flowers: September-November.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 1.2mx50cm Amethyst-blue, hooded racemes of flowers, throughout autumn, which makes it a very valuable plant for extending the season's colours.  Although tall it has an erect habit and does not need staking.  The leaves are glossy and dark green and are dissected.  Tolerant of most soils it [...]

Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’2024-07-16T14:41:11+01:00

Aconitum napellus

Flowers: June-August.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 1.5mx50cm Our native monkshood is an upright, tuberous perennial with showy flowers on dark spikes.  The flowers are electric blue and held in spires above the foliage.  Architectural in habit it does not require staking and grows best in a well drained but moisture retentive soil in [...]

Aconitum napellus2024-07-14T11:35:20+01:00

Pulmonaria ‘Trevi Fountain’

Flowers: April-June.  Plant in part or full shade.  HxS 45x40cm This Lungwort has large, rich blue trumpets of flowers.  These are held in clusters, on short stems, above a mound of oval, silver spotted, deep green leaves.  This hybrid seems to flower more continuously than other blue flowered hybrids.  *CAUTION: Leaves are known to cause [...]

Pulmonaria ‘Trevi Fountain’2024-10-17T17:29:43+01:00

Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’

Flowers: August-October. Plant in moist part shade. HxS 2mx1m A very dark, almost black-leaved form with pink budded, white flowers in late summer as other plants are fading.  It can grow to 2m in flower given ideal conditions and provides a great vertical accent in rich fertile soil.  Scent is just an added bonus!  Pest [...]

Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’2023-11-05T18:25:51+00:00

Symphytum ‘Hidcote Blue’

Flowers: April-July.  Plant in part or full shade.  HxS 45x75cm Dark red buds open to pale blue and white tubular flowers on this clump forming comfrey.  The rough-textured green leaves are really good weed suppressing and superb ground cover when under planting shrubs.  Quite evergreen and if it outgrows its allotted space the leaves can [...]

Symphytum ‘Hidcote Blue’2024-06-21T11:12:10+01:00

Convallaria majalis ‘Prolificans’

Flowers: May-June.  Plant in part shade or woodland.  HxS 30x30cm This is the double flowered form of our native Lily of the Valley and is rare and very desirable.  It is tolerant of most conditions but particularly good on banks and under deciduous trees or shrubs.  The frilly double white flowers are held up above the foliage [...]

Convallaria majalis ‘Prolificans’2024-06-24T15:58:32+01:00

Symphytum ‘Hidcote Pink’

Flowers: April-July.  Plant in part or full shade.  HxS 45x60cm This comfrey has red flowers when in tight bud opening to a soft pink.  It was found at Hidcote Manor and can be inter-planted with Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue' or variegated forms.  This is a plant which makes excellent weed-suppressing ground cover and is beautiful in association [...]

Symphytum ‘Hidcote Pink’2024-08-19T19:51:03+01:00

Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’

Flowers: May-July.  Plant in light shade.  HxS 60x60cm A lovely Solomon's Seal variety with variegated leaves which are green with a cream edge.  The scented, cream bell-like flowers are borne along the stem in early summer.  Attractive and performs well in a cool moist soil.  We are lucky and have no problems with sawfly at the nursery.  [...]

Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’2022-05-23T22:39:31+01:00